I’ll love Mitt Romney
forever for asking whoever it was if he wanted to make a ten thousand dollar
bet. What a wonderful crystallization of the goings-on behind that bland,
handsome face. I grant that not all Republicans are so cocooned in their wealth
as to be as fabulously out of touch as Romney. And yes, there are plenty of
rich Democrats. But it’s no secret that the Republican Party has long been the enclave
of the rich—and the scourge of the poor, the dispossessed, the foreign, the
“other.” Its perennial platform—fewer taxes, smaller government, less
regulation, and a safety net from which the netting has been cut out—makes that
clear enough. If I had a little money and my whole purpose in life was to hold
onto it, or turn it into more money, I’d by damn be a Republican too. So I get
why some people vote for the grand old party.
also get why some people—often these same Republicans—scream themselves blue in
the face denying the evidence of climate change. It doesn’t take a great genius
to see why corporations that make billions of dollars extracting, selling, and
burning fossil fuels might be interested in debunking the idea of global
warming. Except for the earth and life itself, these tycoons, and countless
others in allied industries, have nothing to gain and much to lose from efforts
to reduce carbon emissions. They run the game, and, sensibly, they don’t want
to see the rules change.
I don’t see quite so clearly is what’s in it for the climate change
“alarmists.” What’s in it for James
Hansen, E. O. Wilson, Bill McKibben? I suppose some self-interest could be in
play. Hansen got tapped to give a TED talk (which was scary as hell, by the
way); McKibben’s probably sold a bunch of books; Wilson may cherish his
reputation as the father of modern ecology. But do these constitute motive
enough to be so damned “alarming,” to be such “fantasists,” to be so “immoral”
as to have conjured up the climate change “monster” when there are so many real
problems to be dealt with.
afraid I got sucked into reading a New
York Post opinion column, “Leo vs. science; vanishing evidence for climate
change” (nypost.com, Sept. 14, 2014) that a friend posted on Facebook. After yukking
it up over the idea of some pretty-boy movie star trying to talk science, authors Tom Harris and Bob
Carter proceed to enumerate the salient climate facts that so many of us have somehow
missed. Relying on the work of “Oregon-based physicist” Gordon Fulks, they declare
global warming
ceased in the late 1990s;
rates of sea
level rise “remain small and are even slowing”;
the ice caps
aren’t melting; and
there’s been no
increase in either the frequency or intensity of extreme weather events in the
modern era.
can find lots of stuff about Dr. Fulks on line, but for now it’s enough to say
that he’s a member of a right-leaning think tank called the Cascade Policy
Institute, which describes itself as, among other things, “the voice of free
market environmentalism in Oregon.”
New York Post, of course, is the
voice of free market social change in America.